Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Instagram = Annoying

I was just sitting here wondering what my next blog post would be.  Has anything happened on Facebook that has annoyed me enough to blog about?  I asked myself.  Funny enough, it was something I found on Twitter that got my gears going ... Instagram.

You've all seen these photos.  The ones your friends post of the most mundane things that come across as sad attempts at trying to make their lives look whimsical and intriguing.  You know, photos like these:

Just enjoying a cup of coffee after my morning jaunt around the city!

Burger and fries ... yummmm.

Stupid trucks kicking rocks into my windshield!

Just got back from a day of shopping!  Don't mind the mess ;)

Love the view from my office!
What started as a somewhat cool idea of turning smartphone users into sort of amateur photographers via phone application has just taken off into more of an annoying firestorm of wannabe professional photographers ... to me, at least.  Although I am guilty of posting a bazillion photos of my goofy mutt,  I can't say I would jump at the thought of posting a picture of my Grande Caramel Frappuccino (light) onto my Facebook page for all to gawk at.  Just because it adds some sort of distorted coloring and "antique" look (can't forget the frame!) doesn't make it any more interesting than it already is.  I get it.  You work in a city, in an office with windows.  Wow!  You ate lunch today?!  Me too!

Not to say that photos taken of someone's coffee on a ledge without the weird embellishments Instagram provides aren't annoying as well;  They are.  However, at least the poster isn't using some awkward phone application to make the coffee look amazing or hip.

Mary-Jane is sooooo chic.  She's always sipping lattes, and shopping, and working, and doing laundry!  She's sooooo interesting!  She sure has done a lot for herself since graduating high school!

Ok. Really?

Don't even get me started on people who buy expensive cameras and automatically think they are pros.  I've taken photography classes over the years, (you know, the ones where you'd have a darkroom and were required to develop your own film?) and I still don't consider myself a photographer.  That's for another time, though!

I am actually craving a Grande Caramel Frappuccino right now.  Stay tuned for an overstated photo of it sitting in my car's cup holder in the near future.

**Note: Since logging off of this and checking Facebook (three minutes at the most), I've come across three Instagram photos.**

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rihanna, really?

OK.  I am a sucker for entertainment television.  I need something brainless to watch when I come home from work at night.  You won't find me watching anything overly educational on a news network or similar, unless it is Lockup: Extended Stay ... Inside Edition is where I get my "news" if you catch my drift (as a journalism graduate, I should be slightly ashamed, but I'm really not).

The "news" has been buzzing lately that singer Rihanna is back together with ex-boyfriend/abuser, Chris Brown.  Really, Rihanna, really?  For those of you who are unfamiliar with the story behind those two -- About three years ago, Chris Brown beat the crap out of her for whatever reason.  He went to jail, restraining orders were served, yadda, yadda, yadda.  You can read about the whole shebang (literally) here.

The two have recently been collaborating on a couple of songs (annoying), which I (and everyone else apparently) assume will turn into a full reconciliation between them.  As someone who dated a not-so-nice-guy in the past (a pretty big asshole, actually), I can't imagine wanting to even look at someone I had a restraining order against, let alone date the guy.  I know there are many people out there who can't seem to walk away from someone despite he or she being a Grade A Asshole, and I'm not discounting anyone's troubles, but after three years of separation, what on earth is the draw, Ri-ri?  He absolutely grosses me out.  Not that Rihanna should live her life as a role model because she just so happens to be famous, but what kind of message does that send?  "Oh, yeah, he beat the snot out of me, but that was years ago!  He really is a lovely guy, honestly."  No biggie!

And what is with all of these girls on Twitter during Chris Brown's laughable Grammy performance (his dancers were far more interesting than his lip-syncing, computer-generated-voice showing) tweeting that they'd gladly take a beating from him if he agreed to be their boyfriend. ................... What?!  How does that even make sense?  Joke or not (and a stupid joke at that), that is absolutely insane.

Here are a few of those tweets (grammar mistakes and all):

-Like I've said multiple times before, Chris Brown can beat me all he wants.... I'd do anything to have him oh my
-Dude, Chris brown can punch me in the face as much as [he] wants to, just as long as he kisses it (:
-I don't know why Rihanna complained.  Chris Brown can beat me anytime he wants to.
-chris brown can punch me whenever he wants #love

OK. Again. WHAT?!  Who are these girls, and what kind of backwards reality are they living in?  I'm sure the majority of them didn't actually mean they'd be fine with taking a beating from him, but still.  Imagine if Twitter existed years ago?  What would the trending topic be after Jeffrey Dahmer's arrest?

I don't know why everyone is complaining!  I'd let #Jeffrey Dahmer cut me into little pieces, as long as he promised to be gentle ;)

This leads me to my biggest question and namesake of this blog:  Have people always been this stupid, or are we just more aware of it because of the Internet?

Get a grip, people!


Hello, readers!

This blog is meant as a way for me to share some funny, annoying, and oftentimes "WTF" moments I experience in daily life.  Too much happens in day-to-day life that shouldn't be left undocumented.  I am sure this will become some sort of an outlet for me as well.  This is meant to be 100% comical.  In life, there are many things that get your blood boiling.  I try and take a funny spin on things to get by.
